Suhaila Salimpour (she / hers)
Director, Suhaila Salimpour Online Institute
Director, Salimpour School
Associate Adjunct Professor, Department of Dance & Theater, Mills College
Raul is a kind and intuitive artist that has always made sure the working space and environment represent exactly what I need to get the best out of me. Being open and vulnerable during an artist's work experience is challenging, and Raul is someone that can hold a situation as well as not make anyone feel uncomfortable. I have rooms filled with women dancing, and that could feel very self conscious for the students, but Raul has a warmth and sense of grounded humility that has him fitting in, and being invisible all at the same time all the while getting the shot! This is amazing. I love working with Raul and feel that I can be creative and free when he's around.
Image used with permission from:
- Ms M
It was an incredible experience to pose for the first time. Raúl was very professional and he made me feel very comfortable at all times. This was more than a photo session, it helped me reinforce my self esteem. Thank you Raúl!
Posar por primera vez, fue una experiencia increíble, Raúl fue muy profesional y en todo momento me hizo sentir cómoda, fue más que una sesión fotográfica, me ayudó a reforzar mi autoestima. Gracias Raúl!
- Ms A
Photo shoots can be challenging and vulnerable, but Raul is so kind and easy to work with, it feels like a breeze! He’s reliable and professional. I’ve worked with a lot of photographers, and it’s hard to find someone with whom I can be completely at ease (especially for boudoir). Raul is super respectful and creatively driven — he’s just a total pleasure to work with. He’s a professional and an artist, so you can expect a range of photos from any shoot with him — classic portraits and unique images. If I’m feeling uninspired, he’s always full of ideas. He’s versatile, he’s a gem… I highly recommend working with him!”
- Ms E
My experience as a model during this photo session was very interesting for many reasons. The fact that I’d never been in a photo session was remarkable. When I found out through two of my best friends that Raúl was coming to Cd Juárez to do a photoshoot with both of them, and they asked me if I wanted to participate, I decided to do it most of all to live the experience. I had been invited in the past to take part in photo sessions, but because I always felt I didn’t have the right qualities to be able to pose, and because I felt I didn’t have what it took to stand in front of someone pointing a camera straight at me, I’ve ended up declining every offer. However, I trusted Raúl because I felt his seriousness, warmth, and professionalism while doing his job. Validation and trust had already been established because he was already a close friend of my two friends. At the beginning of the session I was very tense and nervous. Even though I felt intimidated by the camera, little by little and with the support of my friends and Raúl who guided me throughout the entire session, I was able to let go and I increasingly felt more and more relaxed. At that moment and after seeing the results that Raúl’s photographic eye produced, I built the confidence to participate in more photoshoots. I hope that very soon I can create my own photo book with images from my dance and theater productions in which I'm part of.
Mi experiencia como modelo de una sesión de fotos fue muy interesante por varias cosas, quizá la más destacable es que yo nunca había estado en una sesión fotográfica, y cuando me dijeron Karina e Itzel que venía Raúl de visita a Juárez, amigo de ellas para una práctica de sesión de fotos y que si nos gustaría participar, me animé más que nada para vivir la experiencia. Me habían invitado a participar en otras sesiones anteriormente, pero porque yo siempre había considerado que no tenía cualidades para posar y tampoco me sentía con la capacidad de estar frente a alguien apuntándome con su cámara, terminaba rechazando las propuestas; pero sentí confianza con Raúl porque notaba su seriedad, calidez y profesionalismo en su trabajo, además de que era amigo cercano de mis amigas, es decir, ya había de antemano validación y fiabilidad, porque ellas conocían su trabajo. Al principio yo estaba muy tensa y nerviosa, la cámara me intimidaba muchísimo, pero poco a poco y con el apoyo de mis amigas y de Raúl, que me guiaba durante la sesión (porque repito, yo tenía cero experiencia) me fui soltando y relajando cada vez más.
A partir de ese momento y de ver los resultados y el buen ojo de Raúl, tuve la confianza para participar en más sesiones. Espero pronto tener mi propio book para las presentaciones de danza y teatro en las que participó.
- Ms D
This having been my first experience with boudoir photography, I felt very comfortable. Raúl’s experience and professionalism helped me be at ease during the entire time. At first I was very nervous, but little by little I calmed down. When I saw my photos for the first time I was very happy. Also happy for the hard work we both put into the session.
Por haber sido mi primera experiencia con fotografía de este tipo, me sentí muy cómoda. Raúl, con su experiencia y profesionalismo me ayudó mucho a estar tranquila en todo momento. Al principio tenía muchos nervios, pero poco a poco se fueron calmando. Cuando vi mis fotos por primera vez quedé super feliz, así como con el trabajo que ambos realizamos.
- Ms I
Raúl is a very professional and detailed photographer. I felt a great deal of trust during our session. This allowed me to develop a sense of freedom and really enjoy the creative process.
Raúl es un fotógrafo sumamente profesional y cuidadoso de los detalles; sentí una gran confianza con él durante la sesión y eso me permitió desenvolverme más libremente y realmente disfrutar el proceso creativo.
- Ms K
In the summer of 2018, at age 45, I had the opportunity to participate in what I thought was a unique event for me because I never thought I could take part in something like this, a boudoir photo shoot. I say this because I’ve always renounced my body and never thought I’ll dare to show it. Not completely naked, but with a very provocative outfit. Throughout the years I’ve understood that accepting my body the way it is, was to accept the genetic heritage my mother and grandmother’s left me. But to accept this and to show my body are two very different things. Nevertheless, the experience from that afternoon in the summer of 2018 was enriching. I didn't not just feel beautiful and comfortable with my body, I also realized that I can express myself freely in front of the lens. This intimacy was reflected in a subtle and sexy way.
I really thank my friend Raúl Varela for his professionalism and empathy. For helping me overcome this mental barrier about my body and what I’m capable of expressing.
En el verano de 2018, a mis 45 años, tuve la oportunidad de participar en un hecho-evento único para mí, pues creí que nunca en mi vida participaría en algo así: una sesión fotográfica de Boudoir, digo esto porque siempre había renegado de mi cuerpo y nunca imaginé que me atrevería a mostrarlo, no desnudo en su totalidad, pero sí con un atuendo muy sugerente. A través de los años fui comprendiendo que aceptar mi cuerpo como es era aceptar la herencia genética que mi madre y mis abuelas me habían dejado, pero aceptarlo y exhibirlo son dos cosas muy diferentes. Sin embargo, la experiencia de esa tarde de verano de 2018 fue muy enriquecedora, no solo me sentí bonita y a gusto con mi cuerpo, sino que me di cuenta que puedo expresar mucho estando frente al lente de la cámara, lo que es íntimo se refleja de una manera sutil y a la vez sexy.
Agradezco infinitamente a mi amigo el fotógrafo Raúl Varela por su profesionalismo y empatía, y por ayudarme a saltar esa barrera mental que tuve durante años acerca de mi propio cuerpo y de lo que puedo expresar.